Remedial Rocket Science now has a release date and a pre-order link! The book will go on sale August 21, but you can pre-order your copy now at Amazon for the limited-time discount price of $.99. And that's not all. If you can't wait until August 21 to meet Melody and Jeremy and start their their bumpy journey to happily ever after, you can read the first four chapters right now for free.
Annnnnnd that's a wrap on book two! Intermediate Thermodynamics is done! Finito! So long and thanks for all the fish! That's all she wrote, folks! The book is in the hands of my trusty beta readers at this very moment. Once I get their feedback, it'll get another round of revisions before it's off to my editor. Which means it should be in your hands sometime in October.
You know what this means, don't you? Time to start book three. Off to the word mines... |
July 2023